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The Ten Commandments of Marriage:
ecrets of a Divorce Lawyer

Ten New Rules for a Lifelong Marriage

Official Website of Author, David W. Erdman 

Available on Amazon
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          David W. Erdman is a highly-regarded divorce lawyer in Charlotte, North Carolina who wrote this book to help you and your spouse avoid divorce and save your marriage.

Having worked with more than 5,000 divorce clients, Erdman rejects scorched-earth tactics, instead favoring collaboration, cooperation, and finding common ground so that divorced couples can co-parent successfully or even reconcile.

Happily married for more than 35 years, Erdman helps clients think strategically to consider all of their options when facing divorce.

This book reveals the secrets of a divorce lawyer – ten lessons called the Ten Commandments of Marriage that will make a positive difference in your marriage.

 Erdman’s law degree is from Georgetown University. He also holds an engineering degree is from Duke University where he received the university’s top academic scholarship.

            He created the Ten Commandments of Marriage for marriage-enrichment audiences and for you. This is his second book.

This insightful book by a divorce lawyer
will help you stay out of the divorce lawyer's office.


Praise for the


Thank you for joining us today. You are truly an outstanding presenter.


I went to your lecture at the Bar Association and I bought a copy of your book that you kindly signed for me, so I thought you would be the person to talk to.

I was referred to you because I heard that you are a lawyer who tries to help people save their marriages. (said by many clients)



7/19/21 author interview

In The Press


What kind of a divorce lawyer writes a book to encourage people not to get divorced? David W. Erdman is a highly regarded divorce lawyer who wants you to work on your marriage to improve it for you and your spouse. His book, “The Ten Commandments of Marriage – Secrets of a Divorce Lawyer” provides the ten steps for sustaining a happy marriage. As a divorce lawyer who has seen nearly everything that can go wrong in a marriage, the goal of his book is to keep couples from ever needing a divorce lawyer

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Author, David W. Erdman

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For any media inquiries, please contact David W Erdman:

Tel: 704-333-7800| Fax: 704-343-2886 |

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